Responsive Web Design


Web Design
coding responsively

HTML5 Powered with CSS3 / Styling

HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap

Responsive Web Design

Facebook, Google+, Instagram
Pinterest, Twitter, You Tube
Branding, Graphics, & Social

It's On

Open 24|7 - a website provides information, answers and news about you, your organization, or business anytime of the night or day online. Are you there?

Let me count the days


Days on


Days on


Days on

Mobile Matters

Being mobile friendly could be as important as being present on the web, with its use continuing to increase a lead over desktop. Visitors can appreciate not having to zoom or manipulate content to make it viewable plus sites risk being "ranked lower in Google search results on mobile devices" if they aren't mobile friendly. Today the web can be served up in a way that's most pleasing to users on any device, so what are you waiting for?


For more than a decade my experience has involved social media, digital content creation, and using assorted [CMS's] Content Management Systems, to include working with photos, image editing, and graphics. By 2014-2015 designing concept to completion websites and coding with CSS3, HTML5, and Bootstrap.

what's new


2018 - Most pre-HTML5 projects I've been part of have been updated. The 2012 Total Networking Event Blog is one exception as the event is retired. [link below]


March 2017 - In this 28th year of the www, features web Founder, Tim Berners-Lee sharing his fascinating story and thoughts on the future of the web.


December 7, 2015 - Celebrating the 1st anniversary of HTML 5 being published by earning a W3C Verified Certificate!


October 2014 - The web turns 25, HTM5 is published, and W3C overseeing the standards turns 20. Happy Birthday W3C!

Read On

HTML5 powered with CSS3 Styling

HTML5 Powered with CSS3 / Styling

Read On

In Others Words

"Wow! I didn’t know all of that was out there!"

"i would recommend you for anything."

"Impressive work. Simple and Modern."

"You were so great helping us get our site transferred"

"not only talented but wonderful work ethic"

"I got my first job from that awesome website you did"

"It looks Grrr-GREAT to me"

"great job incorporating the pictures with the radio interview"

"That page you set up is great"

"That's awesome! I Love It!!!"

" thank you for being so great to work with "

"I think it is definitely what we need"

"WOO HOO I have a .com e-mail address"

" Thank you again, you are officially our IT specialist!"

" It is awesome."

"This is a fantastic idea"

"This is your calling!"

[tap bullseye to next]
HTML5 Logo by W3C Title='W3c Logo'